Monday, October 6, 2008

Enjoying a fall weekend

A keg throwing contest...only in Iowa!
Mark and the kids enjoying the day.
Me and my girl!
Maclain touching the lamb wool and thinking it'd be a good place for a nap
Sitting by some fall decorations
She is such an awesome big sister!

We spent our Saturday at Octoberfest. It was a lot of fun enjoying the warm, fall weather and just spending time as a family. We walked around, had some brats, enjoyed some music and even watched a keg throwing contest(for some reason Q really enjoyed that). The best part was there weren't the annoying bees and Japanese Beetles that are usually swarming by this time of the year. It was the perfect fall day!

1 comment:

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

It looks so nice and warm there. The kids look like they had a great time. We miss you guys and we hope you are all doing well. The little ones are growing so fast! Can't wait until Halloween!

XOXO The Sloans