Monday, September 29, 2008

Jam packed weekend!

We went to the Iowa Homecoming Parade Friday night and had lots of fun! After the parade was over, we went and grabbed a pizza and took it down to the capital lawn so that we could enjoy the music...Chuck Berry was there and he was awesome! I just wish we could have stayed a little longer.
Saturday my dad and I worked on Mark and my bedroom. We had this dark green wallpaper up that I didn't like since we moved in (8 years ago!) so I have been ripping it down for the last 3 weeks. I had the majority of it done, so dad started painting for me. HE DID AWESOME!!! I love it! Just the kind of thing I needed to give me motivation to put laundry away and keep my bed made...ha!
Sunday was spent going to church, cleaning the rest of the house, and relaxing.
I love weekends when I feel like I got a lot done, and this weekend was perfect.

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