Thursday, September 11, 2008

One year ago today...

I can't believe it has been a whole year since Maclain had to have his surgery to fix his ureter. I remember going into that day with such dread and nervousness, but also an excitement to get it over so we could move on. Today was finally the day that I could stop worrying about my little baby's kidney and he could be on the road to recovery. It was a very long wait while he was in was over 5 hours. That seems forever especially when it's on a 2 month old. I guess when you think of fixing something as tiny as that little tube, you do want them to take their time. He had a wonderful surgeon, Dr. Austin, and I was so happy when it was over. I think I was the most scared when they took me back to recovery. Maclain was screaming because he was hungry after coming out of the anesthesia and I was scared to even hold him let alone nurse him with the 50 tubes and cords coming off of him. I was glad to get to a room and settle in. He slept so much the next few days and recovered so well. A few months later we went for another scan and it was great news. The kidneys normally function at 50% each. Going into surgery the left kidney was at 38% and the right was at 62%. They said it probably wouldn't improve but that the surgery would save his kidneys. When we got the report the left was at 48% and the right at 52%. We were so happy! We go again this December to see that everything is still functioning properly and that we won't have to worry anymore. Thank God for ultrasounds and that they were able to catch this so early. Thank God for my healthy little Makerdoodle! And thank God for my wonderful family who were by my side for it all. I don't think I could have handled going for the testing without my Mom and Mark. My Dad and Mom were there waiting through this surgery with us, and my sisters and Matt both came to visit. Thanks also to friends who all were supportive with phone calls and e-mails. Beth sent a really cute get well email from her, Addison and Nate. Jenny called the morning of (Very early) and cried with me and told me things would be fine. These are the times when I realize I am so blessed to have family close and friends who care.


Anonymous said...

I can't beleive it's been a year already. I remember wondering all day if he was okay. I was so happy when Nancy called us with the news that it went well. Love you guys!!!

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

The website looks great! Glad you got it to work. We are so happy that your little "big" boy was okay and all is well with him now! It is amazing to us that he is already one and how fast they all are growing up. This has been so much fun to see your kiddos!

We love you guys!