Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Turkey Project

Every year we send home "Family Turkeys" to be decorated at home as a family bonding experience. This year I was also on the receiving side of the turkeys and had to decorate one at home with Quinn. She was SOOO excited to decorate the turkey! I have always noticed each year which ones have been mainly parent made and the ones where the kids do have a hand in the work. I really wanted to make sure Quinn was the leader on this project, and as you can tell from the turkey, Quinn decided what to do and did most of the work. She had each of us decorate a leaf next to our picture with stickers we liked. It ended up being a lot of fun and I know she enjoyed creating it.
After she was done she had to soak in the tub to "relax". I went in to check on her and saw her mimicing what I do. It's my one area of peace...reading in a bubble bath. She had her Tinkerbell chapter book and she was "reading" in the tub. HOW CUTE!!!


Kim said...

Good Job on your Turkey,Quinn! You should be very proud of yourself! I love reading in tub also! It's so relaxing! Miss and love you guys! Kim

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

We just love those family projects! Quinn your turkey is great! There is nothing better than some good family time. We are looking forward to this week with Halloween. Hope you have a great week :0)

XOXO Chris and Jen

The Frangella Fam said...

Love the turkey. I will have to take a peek at it in the hallway! I love the bathtub picture. Too cute! Have fun on your limo ride this weekend!