Monday, October 13, 2008

Wonderful weekend

What awesome weather we had this weekend! We went to Galena on Saturday to their Fall Festival in the park. It was almost too warm out! The kids had fun and it was nice just to walk around and enjoy the fall trees. When we got back Saturday night, my aunt Carin had made dinner for everyone for my cousin Brock's birthday, who is going to school here and living with my parents this year. It was very yummy and it was a nice treat after being gone all day. On Sunday we celebrated my mom and Katie's birthday. My parents still haven't winterized the pool, so everyone went for one last swim. It was fun sitting outside and watching the kids swim with colorful leaves falling off the trees. I can't believe I still haven't made a video of Maclain walking! He is walking EVERYWHERE! I will try and get that done this week. I have parent/teacher conferences starting this week. I enjoy them because I like to share all the awesome stuff the kids are doing, but I hate spending the late night away from my family.

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