Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Reading kiddos

There are times as a parent, where I just want to throw my hands up and ask "Why?" Like lately whenever Maclain is crying, instantly something also "happened" to Quinn, so I have tears in stereo. But then they do something so cute, so adorable, that it makes EVERYTHING worth it. I had one of those times the other night. I looked down our hallway and saw Quinn reading to Maclain. It was so precious that it took both Mark and my breath away. Just the sweetness of how she was reading and talking to him. And the way he looked up to her and was listening to her every word. This was a truly priceless moment.....

1 comment:

Kim said...

So Sweet! I loved how Maclain crawled into Quinn's lap and she kissed him! Its times like that it just warms your heart! Kim