Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fun Weekend

Skee bowling
Hangin with Chuck
The boys watching Brandon wrestle
Brandon and Newly after they both won at UNI

Dancing at ChuckE Cheese

Gigi and Mel gave the kids some money to go and enjoy ChuckECheese while they are away at Florida. Kamber and I took the kids Friday night and they LOVED IT! They all ran around and had fun for 2 hours. Saturday we rested and laid around...got some cleaning done and ran errands. Sunday was a busy day! We left at 10 in the morning, drove to Ames to watch Brandon wrestle against ISU. Then when that was done, we ate at Hickory Park, got into the car again and drove to Cedar Falls to watch him wrestle UNI. We didn't get home until 10 that night and we were all TIRED. But it was great to see Brandon wrestle in person one more time. The kids
were great and were troopers for the ride. I am kind of relieved we don't have anything next weekend planned. I need one to relax. AND A BIG CONGRATS TO BRANDON FOR GETTING INTO MED SCHOOL IN TULSA!!! Good job Buddy!

1 comment:

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

Man are they growing up so fast. They are changing and looking so big. I think it is great when you guys get together and the kids can play. We miss you guys!