Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snow, snow and more snow...

We had 7 inches of snow on the 10th, and then another 7 on the 14th. I am TIRED OF SHOVELING!!! We have a very long driveway and our snow blower is broken. We have decided it is great exercise and we are just going to shovel. Not sure how long that will last...I have some very nice neighbors who have came over and snow blowed for us (Mark always rewards them with a 12 pack), but I don't think I want any more snow this year. We had a crazy week at school last week also. On Monday we had an early dismissal from school because it was snowing and they were predicting 3-4. On Tuesday we had a late start for the same reason. Then on Wednesday it was called off because of the 7 inches, and Thursday and Friday were cancelled because we had record lows of 50 below with wind chill. These pictures were taken on Sunday when it actually warmed up some and we had about an inch fall. I have decided Quinn and Maclain can help shovel, and they love it. Mark and both kids were out there for just a few minutes, and they did a great job getting our drive cleared yet again.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Snow is not my favorite thing either...I guess I shouldn't tell you that we've been at 65-70 degrees all week! Hope it warms up for you!
