Friday, January 2, 2009

Wrestling meet on New Years Day

We were able to combine Christmas in Mn with seeing my cousin wrestle over New Years. Since Brandon lives in Oklahoma, we never get to spend time with him or see him. We got really lucky because after the meet he told us they had flown and couldn't leave until the next day so he was able to hang out after the meet. We went to his hotel and went out to dinner with him at Applebees. Maclain loves him! He kept hugging him and Quinn was excited to see him again too. She was the flowergirl in his wedding 2 years ago, and she loves him too. It was great being able to catch up with him and spend some time with him. Maclain actually started kissing my computer and saying "Brandon" when I pulled this picture up a minute ago.
My Grandma and Mel came to the meet, as well as Mark's parents. They are gopher fans but enjoyed watching Brandon wrestle. He won his match 16-2 and Ok State beat the Gophers 23-13...I was glad his team won. I love when the gophers get beat since my husband use to be a gopher fan before he was converted to a Hawkeye.
Good Luck on the 14th with your med school interview Brandon. We'll be praying for you!!! And we Love you!!!

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