Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Maclain loves his new Elmo phone that says his name!
Quinn is excited about her new roller skates!
TinkerBell wonders where her presents are...she did get some new bones.
Way too many presents at Grammy & Papa's
With cousins and Grammy and Papa
Christmas morning on the New Thomas Train that Santa brought
Look at that smile...Quinn loves the Ipod Santa brought her

The train...

We had a GREAT CHRISTMAS! I think Quinn got everything on her list and then some. Maclain loves his Thomas train although it is taking him a while to figure out how to hold the foot petal down so he can drive all the time. Quinn helped him by giving him a ride Christmas morning. Quinn was thrilled with her nail sparkler and drawing set plus lots of clothes from Grammy and Papa, clothes and makeup from Aunt Katie and Uncle Matt, and the Password Journal from The Boeckmanns. Maclain got a fun video game from The Boeckmanns, clothes and a play vacuum from Katie and Matt, and a car, a race set, a basketball hoop and clothes from Grammy and Papa. Gigi and Mel gave Quinn a snow cone maker that she was really wanting and Gigi made a car blanket for Maclain that he loves. I can't believe this was only one side of the family and we still have Christmas in MN with the Felber side. I don't know if we even have any more space in the playroom. Thanks to my family for making Christmas special again for my kids this year. It's not just the gifts, it is the fun and just being together that made it really awesome. love you guys!


Chris and Jen Sloan said...

Merry Christmas! It looks like you guys had a great time. We miss you guys and its so good to see everyone's smiling faces! The kiddos look like they had a greta time.

Chris, Jen, Jack and Samantha

Kim said...

Quinn and Maclain must have been really good this year! I'm glad you guys had such a great Christmas! Happy New Year!XOXO
