Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bad night

Ok...I feel like I am the worst mom ever...Maclain has had a few rough nights sleeping, and I rocked him to sleep last night, put him in his crib and he instantly woke up. I decided not to fight it and after I rocked him the second time let him sleep next to me. I propped up pillows around him, but somehow he pushed them all over and rolled right off the bed. He woke up screaming at 5 on the floor. I rushed out of bed to find him on the floor with a bloody nose.
I cleaned him up and the bleeding had already stopped. He seemed fine and wanted to be rocked again. Finally around 5:30 I got him back to sleep and laid him on the floor so I could get ready for work. When Mark woke him up to get him ready for daycare he asked for the Tylenol. I asked why and he said Maclain looked like he was in a fight with Mike Tyson. When I saw him I wanted to cry...ok I did, most of the way to work. When I dropped him off at Judy's he was thrilled to see a Life size singing Santa and went right to Judy without a second glance at me. I guess I may be more traumatized than he was.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Ohhh, poor baby...I hate when stuff like that happens! I hope he feels better soon! Hugs and kisses to Maclain!
