Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tea Party Fun

The DIVAS ready for their tea party
Quinn looks so springy in her new tea party outfit

The ladies who baked for the tea

Sorry this is sideways...I didn't think before I filmed this.

Quinn and my mom went to a tea party on Saturday at Usher's Ferry. It is an old time village and the tea party was through the city Parks and Rec department. They drank REAL tea (Quinn wasn't so sure of that) and they ate fancy treats. There was a story teller there that told them about how tea was done in the "old days" This was a gift Quinn gave Grammy for Christmas because they have been having tea parties since Quinn was 2. They always have to do "Pinkies" up and they call each other "Miss Quinn" and "Miss Grammy". Quinn enjoys these specials times with her Grandma.
We also went over Saturday night to watch Brandon wrestle on the internet...it was hooked up to mom and dad's TV. Maclain gets so excited about watching Brandon wrestle. He started cheering the minute I told him where he was going, so I had to get a video of it.

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