Monday, February 23, 2009

I want Candy

Maclain is such a SMART little guy! After haircuts tonight, he noticed a candy machine as we were heading out. He said "Candy?" and I said he could have a piece at home. When I got him in his car seat he starting singing "I want candy" which he learned from Quinn's dance routine song. This is the first time he ever sang it and he used it in the proper context. So Funny! I got him to sing it on camera, but it is not nearly as good as he sang it when he wanted the real thing.
The kiddos had some fun rolling around and giggling tonight. They have such fun together.
After Maclain made his video Quinn wanted to get her picture taken too. I can't get over all her big teeth. It looks funny with her tiny face. So cute...

1 comment:

Kim said...

OMG too cute! They are getting so big..I can't believe all of Quinn's permanent teeth already! Hope you all are well.

Love, Kim