Monday, September 1, 2008

Quinn went to her first Swing Crew concert Thursday night and had a blast. The band was so great and really kept the kids entertained. They even let the kids get on stage for a little dancing, so I had to share(and I will when I have time to wait for a movie upload). I think it is so cute! Notice Kade up there with her too. They were so proud that they got to go up on stage.
The weekend was very relaxing. We went out to a kid area on Sunday after church and Quinn jumped, bounced and did a reverse bungee jump ride. Maclain was perfectly content to just ride in the stroller. On Monday we went over to mom and dad's for a grill out and swim. Katie and Matt brought ribs, we brought party potatoes and mom and dad did the rest. It was a fun day.
We finished the weekend by driving down to see the fireworks tonight. We went late and ended up driving right where they were shooting them off. That was a little too close for comfort, but it was very cool. Quinn fell asleep on the ride home and I am glad so she'll be ready for school tomorrow.

1 comment:

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

You guys always do such fun stuff! Quinn seems like such a dare devil, she will try anything. I love it! We hope you guys have had a great summer and hopefully we can meet somewhere soon.

Love you guys,

The Sloans