Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1st day of Kindergarten & Mark's birthday

Mark and the kids after birthday celebration!
Ready to roll
Early morning commute
Classroom door
Her teacher Mrs. Franck

This has been an exciting day! My little Quinn is now an official Kindergarten student. It seems so strange...this is my 13th year of getting ready for a new group, and now my child is here. I look how fast former students have grown and it scares me a little. My first group of kiddos are now SENIORS! But I love right now...I love Quinn being 5, asking so many fun questions and having such a big personality. I love Maclain being 1, snuggling me each morning, kissing me, making me laugh. Right now is so nice. But I know that every stage I have thought "I love Quinn right's perfect. I don't want anything to change. But each year, she does things that make me love her more and I am excited for change too. So I will enjoy this year, knowing I am lucky because I get to have her close. I get to watch her learn, grow and change. I feel very lucky today and proud. She is such a great kid and I love her so much. Happy birthday to my hubby! Thanks for being a great dad and husband!

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