Thursday, August 7, 2008

The countdown is on...

Quinn with the first flowers her mommy ever got her. She just had to have the "Crazy Daisies" that were on sale at Flowerama where we shopped for a friend the other day. She was so proud of her bouquet.
Maclain's new love. Pretending to drive daddy's car is a nightly activity. He loves when it's dark out to get behind the wheel and steer. So funny!

(To hear the sound you have to go and pause the music I have in the upper corner where music is. Just hit the pause button and it'll stop the music playing so you can hear video.)
This video is a of our talented dancers. First Wes (Aunt Katie's best friends Emily and Brian's son) is trying to show Maclain the moves. Then Landon, Kade and Quinn join in. We are at Downtown Getdown and we had a great time!

**This has been another fun week, but the countdown is on. Quinn and I go to school tomorrow for Kindergarten camp. I am excited that Quinn will be with me this year, but I hate that summer has to end. This has been a great summer! My kiddos are at such fun ages and we have enjoyed many days by the pool just enjoying each other. I dread the morning alarm, but I look forward to getting back with friends at school, meeting my new class, and getting into a more structured routine.

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