Monday, November 30, 2009

A lot to be thankful for...

What a great and relaxing weekend. Thanksgiving was wonderful...lots of good food and great company. We missed Kamber and her family being with us, but we enjoyed ourselves anyway. They came for dessert later in the evening.
Friday we spent decorating the house and watching all the boys. Katie and Kamber were in a wedding on Saturday, so the rehearsal was Friday. We watched Kade, Landon and Louk for a couple hours and the kids had fun playing. It was a relaxful day and I enjoyed it a lot! It was fun getting the decorations out and watching the kids get so excited about it.
Saturday we went to the movie Planet 51. Maclain sat so well for it, and Quinn thought it was a fun movie. There is a lot of adult humor in it, and of course she caught most of it...gotta love her!
We also decorated Quinn's little tree in her room and she asked if I would take a picture of it for the cute is that?!? So I did, and then realized I hadn't posted any pictures of her room after I redid it this summer. I love the wall above her bed the most with all the Q's on it.
Since it is Thanksgiving, we talked about what we are most thankful for. We are thankful for our family, jobs, a warm house with lots of love, kids that are each other's best friend, and great friends. Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

What an adorable room Quinn has and I love all the Q's as well! It looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving and we are thankful to have you guys in our world! Miss you guys :0)