Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween week!

Crazy Hair day at school
Mark and Maclain seeing who is scarier
Our Jack o lantern
All the kids checking out our pumpkin with the light inside it
Carving the pumpkin with the kiddos...Kade really got into digging out the insides

Trick or Treat!
Maclain loves to pose by anything scary...

The kids before Trick or Treating at Grammy and Papa's house
My cute little ones
Hot cocoa at Grammy and Papa's after trick or treating

Kids at Daycare eating their gingerbread haunted house
Judy and all the kids!
Louk as the cute little bumble bee

Judy and her mom all dressed upDaycare families

What a fun Halloween! I love when Halloween is on the weekend! It wasn't too cold and the kids had a blast! Maclain was so cute saying "trick or treat" and more importantly "thank you" after he got his treats. It was also a great weekend because we added an hour with daylight savings time, and I feel like I got a ton of work done around the house.
The Hawkeyes won again...9-0! If you were anywhere near the Felber house on Saturday, you would have heard a lot of yelling...cheers that is! No booing at our house...we knew they would pull it off!
Our daycare provider Judy had a fun get together with all the families at her house on Friday after work. It was fun to hang out with the other families and to see all the kiddos dressed up. I love my little bumblebee Loukie Dukie! We also love Judy!

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