Monday, November 16, 2009

Exciting weekend for Quinn

Note translated:
Dear Papa and Grammy, I love my American Girl doll. She is fun to play with. Thank you for taking me to Minnesota! Love Quinn

Quinn had the adventure of her life this weekend! She has always been a mama's girl, and hard to get to go anywhere over night, but she put on a brave face and went with her Grammy and Papa to Minnesota. Grammy had been promising her a trip to the American Girl Doll store at the Mall of America and Quinn was excited! She was going to give her Grammy and Papa some ideas for Christmas because she REALLY wanted a American Girl Doll. She never has had one, but she has been interested in one for a while. I thought she was going to give them ideas too, and that Papa would pull the old "go to the bathroom" trick they did so well when I was young, and he would buy the one she liked and take it to the car. Little did I know they had planned to give it to her that day....she was so excited! I guess she kept saying that "It's amazing...I can't believe you bought her for me!" So cute. Grammy and Papa told her they just took her on this special trip because they loved her and it made her year! I was upset at first thinking this should be a Christmas gift, but after the last year I have learned a lot. You never know what tomorrow might bring, and you really need to live in the moment. I think Grammy and Papa may have had just as much fun from the sounds of things. Quinn is such a special little girl and they got to enjoy her all weekend long. They did some shopping, swimming at the hotel, and lots of giggling! Quinn said that Grammy woke her up by bouncing on the bed...she giggled a lot when she told me that.
I am glad everyone had so much fun...LOVE my sweet little girl and my Parents who gave her the world this weekend....

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