Monday, October 26, 2009

Trunk or Treat

What a busy Saturday! Quinn had a costume party for Grace's birthday. She had a great time and loved putting on her ladybug outfit! After the party we had a little down time and then we got dressed in costumes again church. We had our yearly Trunk or Treat mass where the kiddos get to wear their costumes to church and then trick or treat out of the trunks in the parking lot. It is a lot of fun! The kids love it, and the adults who decorate their trunks have fun too.
When we finished about 7, we hurried over to mom and dad's to catch up on the Iowa game. We ordered pizza and all sat on the edge of our seats as we watched the Hawkeyes make history. We won in the last few seconds of the game to go 8-0 on the season. It was a lot of fun to see! Sunday we spent laying low and getting some stuff done around the house. It will be a big week with Halloween this week. Hopefully it will be nice weather...

1 comment:

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

Everyone looks so cute! It looks like you guys had a great time and I love to see the Halloween costumes! Keep the pictures coming! I hope you guys have good weather and pray for us, a storm is coming on Wednesday :0) Happy Halloween!!!