Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My girl

I have been holding Quinn a little tighter these days. It seems she is growing up so DARN FAST! I hate it...but I also love it. She has such a fun personality and she makes me laugh every day. She is very sensitive and gives me hugs when she can tell I need them, and helps me with her brother all the time. I couldn't ask for a better daughter. We recently found out a little girl at my school has cancer. SO SCARY! This could be Quinn. What would I do if my little one had to go through all of those terrible treatments and tests. I know you do it and you face it head on so that you can beat it and put it behind you, but HOW?!?! So I have been a little more emotional lately and I have not been as nurturing with my class and my own kids when they have a hangnail or a non existent bruise. Just kiss all your kids and send your prayers for Maddeson tonight...

1 comment:

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

Ah you are so right! They are the most important things to us all and it would be sooo hard! Hug those two tight and trust me they know how much you love them, we can see it!