Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fun weekend with friends

I had a tough weekend a few weeks ago. A little girl named Maddeson who was a 2nd grader at my school passed away from cancer. I was so sad for all who knew her because she was leaving a big hole in a lot of hearts...she was a spunky fun little girl who took on "Stupid cancer" head on and it is not fair. It's not fair that she only had 7 months to live from the time she was diagnosed until the time she died. It's not fair that she got cancer at all. It's not fair that kids in my school now are very scared of the word cancer.
It just so happened that the same weekend I was trying to come to grips with this, it was my husband and my good friend Jenny's birthday. We had made plans to go to Kaji for dinner with a group of our friends and so we still went. I really needed it! It was fun to be with such good friends and the meal was so much fun! The karaoke and drinks after were also fun. So thank you to my good friends for a much needed night out.
Oh and the last picture I had to add because I love is Maclain and Annie (Scott and Jenny's little girl) kissing on Annie's 2nd birthday~so cute! Jenny sent it me and I had to add it.


LesterGirls said...

LOVE that pic of Maclain & Annie! Looks like you posted the PG version of the photo! It was a great night out, so glad you guys joined us! STILL waiting for the night out to Vitos!! Love ya!

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

Its always good to get out and have some grown up time :0) ITs looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Its moments like that little girl that make us appreciate what we have so much more!