Monday, March 16, 2009

Yeah Spring!!!

Maclain out exploring in the yard.
Quinn was drawing outside on her easel.
Maclain pointing at the cars and trucks in the neighborhood
Quinn getting Mark to participate with her coloring.
My new wall art

This weekend was so nice out! I spent most of Saturday scrubbing and cleaning to get rid of all the germs that have been hanging out at our house this past week. I also got the Uppercase saying I got for my birthday from my sisters up on our bedroom wall.
The kids enjoyed being outside and played most of Sunday afternoon. Mark took Quinn on a bike ride while Maclain napped, and then the two of them decided to do some Art in the sunshine.
Happy Birthday to Kamber today!!! We love you!

1 comment:

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

Man are they cute! They are growing up so much. It is hard t believe that spring is finally here, but we are excited too. We miss you guys and we can't wait to see you in July!