Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Room

Quinn enjoying the new bed
Maclain in the toddler more crib!
Room after it is finished
New lamp and shades

Tinkerbell in the middle of maybe saving her
Quinn standing by her Tinkerbell for the last time

This weekend we made some big changes at our house. Quinn has decided she wants her own room, so we are now in the process of creating a new room for her and Maclain got his room updated too. He no longer has to sleep in a pink Tinkerbell room! Quinn was very sad when we had to paint over Tink. I told her we could just go around her and cover her up later once her room was done, but she said she wanted Maclain to have his room done now, so she cried and said goodbye to her Tinkerbell. It was very sad...she is growing up. But it was exciting too because Maclain's room turned out just like I had hoped. He LOVES anything to do with cars and trucks, so he now has a transportation room. I am still going to order some Uppercase Living cars, trucks, etc...and I am going to get a few road signs (stop sign, speed limit sign, etc...) to add some art to the walls, but for the most part it is done.
Maclain has had somewhat of a hard time saying goodbye to the crib. We took that down and traded Katie and Matt the crib for the full bed. He loved his crib and doesn't want to stay in the toddler bed to fall asleep. He'll get use to it eventually...poor guy! I think the new room is helping with the transition:)


Kim said...

How Exciting...I bet Quinn is so happy to get her new room...What are you going to do in her room? I love the transportation theme...

LesterGirls said...

Awww...he's a big boy! Love the colors, looks awesome! Can't wait to see Quinn's new rooms once it's finished.

I'm praying Annie is content to stay in her crib until she's at least two. I can't imagine trying to get her to stay in a bed all night.