Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fun Weekend

Skee bowling
Hangin with Chuck
The boys watching Brandon wrestle
Brandon and Newly after they both won at UNI

Dancing at ChuckE Cheese

Gigi and Mel gave the kids some money to go and enjoy ChuckECheese while they are away at Florida. Kamber and I took the kids Friday night and they LOVED IT! They all ran around and had fun for 2 hours. Saturday we rested and laid around...got some cleaning done and ran errands. Sunday was a busy day! We left at 10 in the morning, drove to Ames to watch Brandon wrestle against ISU. Then when that was done, we ate at Hickory Park, got into the car again and drove to Cedar Falls to watch him wrestle UNI. We didn't get home until 10 that night and we were all TIRED. But it was great to see Brandon wrestle in person one more time. The kids
were great and were troopers for the ride. I am kind of relieved we don't have anything next weekend planned. I need one to relax. AND A BIG CONGRATS TO BRANDON FOR GETTING INTO MED SCHOOL IN TULSA!!! Good job Buddy!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snow, snow and more snow...

We had 7 inches of snow on the 10th, and then another 7 on the 14th. I am TIRED OF SHOVELING!!! We have a very long driveway and our snow blower is broken. We have decided it is great exercise and we are just going to shovel. Not sure how long that will last...I have some very nice neighbors who have came over and snow blowed for us (Mark always rewards them with a 12 pack), but I don't think I want any more snow this year. We had a crazy week at school last week also. On Monday we had an early dismissal from school because it was snowing and they were predicting 3-4. On Tuesday we had a late start for the same reason. Then on Wednesday it was called off because of the 7 inches, and Thursday and Friday were cancelled because we had record lows of 50 below with wind chill. These pictures were taken on Sunday when it actually warmed up some and we had about an inch fall. I have decided Quinn and Maclain can help shovel, and they love it. Mark and both kids were out there for just a few minutes, and they did a great job getting our drive cleared yet again.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The girls

Our friends Steve and Renae invited us over on Saturday night to hang out. Maclain had a cold so Mark decided to just stay home with him, so just Quinn and I went. These girls have been friends since before birth...we met in the Larsons in Lamaze and Lesters have been our buddies since Scott and I went to school together. Renae did daycare for the girls and they have always been best buds. They have not seen each other very often in the past few months so they were THRILLED to be together! They played dress up and played all night. I know friends will come and go for Quinn, but I believe these 3 will be friends for life.
I was also thrilled to hang out with my buddies. You get so busy in your every day life that you forget sometimes how nice it is to be with people you care about...so thanks friends for Saturday night!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Minnesota Christmas

We went to Minnesota this year for Christmas on New Years this year. We had a nice time seeing the Stanton/Felber clan. We spent Wednesday with Nancy and Tom having a great dinner and opening gifts. On Thursday we went to see my cousin wrestle, and then on Friday Mark's cousins, aunt and uncle and Grandma all came to visit. We were so happy because we love them and we were glad we didn't miss out on seeing them since we didn't go at Christmas. We appreciate that they all drove to see us and we had fun. Quinn loved playing with Braeden and I liked catching up with Rindy and Amy!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Wrestling meet on New Years Day

We were able to combine Christmas in Mn with seeing my cousin wrestle over New Years. Since Brandon lives in Oklahoma, we never get to spend time with him or see him. We got really lucky because after the meet he told us they had flown and couldn't leave until the next day so he was able to hang out after the meet. We went to his hotel and went out to dinner with him at Applebees. Maclain loves him! He kept hugging him and Quinn was excited to see him again too. She was the flowergirl in his wedding 2 years ago, and she loves him too. It was great being able to catch up with him and spend some time with him. Maclain actually started kissing my computer and saying "Brandon" when I pulled this picture up a minute ago.
My Grandma and Mel came to the meet, as well as Mark's parents. They are gopher fans but enjoyed watching Brandon wrestle. He won his match 16-2 and Ok State beat the Gophers 23-13...I was glad his team won. I love when the gophers get beat since my husband use to be a gopher fan before he was converted to a Hawkeye.
Good Luck on the 14th with your med school interview Brandon. We'll be praying for you!!! And we Love you!!!