Friday, December 25, 2009

Jingle bells...

Maclain and Landon decided to give us a little Christmas entertainment. I love how Maclain notices me taping and then turns it up a few notches. Wow...I still giggle every time I watch this. Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 11, 2009

December fun

It is December 11... Happy Birthday to my dad! We have already did a lot of fun things in December! We decorated the tree, went for a drive to look at Christmas lights, baked, and had a Blizzard! This week we only went to school Monday and Friday. The snow left about 10 inches and there was a lot of blowing. The salt doesn't work at these freezing temps, so the roads are an icy mess. The kids loved playing and shoveling in the snow. Maclain more so than Quinn, she continues to tell me she is a "summer girl" and the snow is just tolerated. She isn't one to beg to stay out longer that is for sure!
I am excited for the rest of December! We are going to the musical Annie this weekend, my birthday and Christmas still to come... I love the holidays! Our kids are so excited for Santa and to celebrate with family.

Monday, November 30, 2009

A lot to be thankful for...

What a great and relaxing weekend. Thanksgiving was wonderful...lots of good food and great company. We missed Kamber and her family being with us, but we enjoyed ourselves anyway. They came for dessert later in the evening.
Friday we spent decorating the house and watching all the boys. Katie and Kamber were in a wedding on Saturday, so the rehearsal was Friday. We watched Kade, Landon and Louk for a couple hours and the kids had fun playing. It was a relaxful day and I enjoyed it a lot! It was fun getting the decorations out and watching the kids get so excited about it.
Saturday we went to the movie Planet 51. Maclain sat so well for it, and Quinn thought it was a fun movie. There is a lot of adult humor in it, and of course she caught most of it...gotta love her!
We also decorated Quinn's little tree in her room and she asked if I would take a picture of it for the cute is that?!? So I did, and then realized I hadn't posted any pictures of her room after I redid it this summer. I love the wall above her bed the most with all the Q's on it.
Since it is Thanksgiving, we talked about what we are most thankful for. We are thankful for our family, jobs, a warm house with lots of love, kids that are each other's best friend, and great friends. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Disney Playhouse Live

We went to the Disney Playhouse live show. Maclain and Quinn loved it! Maclain was very serious at first, and a little shy. He was much more animated recapping the night in the car, but he did love it. Handy Manny is one of Maclain's favorites, but he wasn't who was discussed later. It was all about Mickey Mouse! "Mickey Mouse dog hot diggity I saw Mickey Mouse!" Was what he continued to say. Fun night!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Exciting weekend for Quinn

Note translated:
Dear Papa and Grammy, I love my American Girl doll. She is fun to play with. Thank you for taking me to Minnesota! Love Quinn

Quinn had the adventure of her life this weekend! She has always been a mama's girl, and hard to get to go anywhere over night, but she put on a brave face and went with her Grammy and Papa to Minnesota. Grammy had been promising her a trip to the American Girl Doll store at the Mall of America and Quinn was excited! She was going to give her Grammy and Papa some ideas for Christmas because she REALLY wanted a American Girl Doll. She never has had one, but she has been interested in one for a while. I thought she was going to give them ideas too, and that Papa would pull the old "go to the bathroom" trick they did so well when I was young, and he would buy the one she liked and take it to the car. Little did I know they had planned to give it to her that day....she was so excited! I guess she kept saying that "It's amazing...I can't believe you bought her for me!" So cute. Grammy and Papa told her they just took her on this special trip because they loved her and it made her year! I was upset at first thinking this should be a Christmas gift, but after the last year I have learned a lot. You never know what tomorrow might bring, and you really need to live in the moment. I think Grammy and Papa may have had just as much fun from the sounds of things. Quinn is such a special little girl and they got to enjoy her all weekend long. They did some shopping, swimming at the hotel, and lots of giggling! Quinn said that Grammy woke her up by bouncing on the bed...she giggled a lot when she told me that.
I am glad everyone had so much fun...LOVE my sweet little girl and my Parents who gave her the world this weekend....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween week!

Crazy Hair day at school
Mark and Maclain seeing who is scarier
Our Jack o lantern
All the kids checking out our pumpkin with the light inside it
Carving the pumpkin with the kiddos...Kade really got into digging out the insides

Trick or Treat!
Maclain loves to pose by anything scary...

The kids before Trick or Treating at Grammy and Papa's house
My cute little ones
Hot cocoa at Grammy and Papa's after trick or treating

Kids at Daycare eating their gingerbread haunted house
Judy and all the kids!
Louk as the cute little bumble bee

Judy and her mom all dressed upDaycare families

What a fun Halloween! I love when Halloween is on the weekend! It wasn't too cold and the kids had a blast! Maclain was so cute saying "trick or treat" and more importantly "thank you" after he got his treats. It was also a great weekend because we added an hour with daylight savings time, and I feel like I got a ton of work done around the house.
The Hawkeyes won again...9-0! If you were anywhere near the Felber house on Saturday, you would have heard a lot of yelling...cheers that is! No booing at our house...we knew they would pull it off!
Our daycare provider Judy had a fun get together with all the families at her house on Friday after work. It was fun to hang out with the other families and to see all the kiddos dressed up. I love my little bumblebee Loukie Dukie! We also love Judy!