Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1st day of Kindergarten & Mark's birthday

Mark and the kids after birthday celebration!
Ready to roll
Early morning commute
Classroom door
Her teacher Mrs. Franck

This has been an exciting day! My little Quinn is now an official Kindergarten student. It seems so strange...this is my 13th year of getting ready for a new group, and now my child is here. I look how fast former students have grown and it scares me a little. My first group of kiddos are now SENIORS! But I love right now...I love Quinn being 5, asking so many fun questions and having such a big personality. I love Maclain being 1, snuggling me each morning, kissing me, making me laugh. Right now is so nice. But I know that every stage I have thought "I love Quinn right's perfect. I don't want anything to change. But each year, she does things that make me love her more and I am excited for change too. So I will enjoy this year, knowing I am lucky because I get to have her close. I get to watch her learn, grow and change. I feel very lucky today and proud. She is such a great kid and I love her so much. Happy birthday to my hubby! Thanks for being a great dad and husband!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Friday night we had our friend Rachel spend the night. Quinn and Rach had a great time and we slept on the sun porch since the weather was awesome! On Saturday Rachel's sister Annie turned 1 so we went to her party. Rachel and Quinn behaved amazingly well since they had stayed up late the night before, Annie downed her entire cake, and fun was had by all. We had a great time hanging out with the Lester's...we just don't make time enough to just hang with friends. Maclain did awesome too...he took a nap in the stroller and made it until 10 pm. Today we just laid low...went to church, went to the splash pad and got ready for the week.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Brushing Teeth

Maclain loves to copy his big sister! He is learning so much from watching her and I had to get this newest "trick" on video. Plus look at her cute little toothless wonder. Again, turn the music off to watch it, because the sound effect of him spitting is so funny!

Monday, August 11, 2008

It happened again! Quinn's other top tooth was really Grammy to the rescue! Quinn called her Grammy and asked her to come pull it. They went in the toy room, shut the door, and soon I had a little girl with another hole in her head. So Cute! Hopefully it'll stay that way so that when we have school pics taken in September, she has the cute smile.
So FUN! It's amazing that someone who just turned 5 in May has already lost 5 teeth. She got her teeth early, so I guess it makes sense.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The countdown is on...

Quinn with the first flowers her mommy ever got her. She just had to have the "Crazy Daisies" that were on sale at Flowerama where we shopped for a friend the other day. She was so proud of her bouquet.
Maclain's new love. Pretending to drive daddy's car is a nightly activity. He loves when it's dark out to get behind the wheel and steer. So funny!

(To hear the sound you have to go and pause the music I have in the upper corner where music is. Just hit the pause button and it'll stop the music playing so you can hear video.)
This video is a of our talented dancers. First Wes (Aunt Katie's best friends Emily and Brian's son) is trying to show Maclain the moves. Then Landon, Kade and Quinn join in. We are at Downtown Getdown and we had a great time!

**This has been another fun week, but the countdown is on. Quinn and I go to school tomorrow for Kindergarten camp. I am excited that Quinn will be with me this year, but I hate that summer has to end. This has been a great summer! My kiddos are at such fun ages and we have enjoyed many days by the pool just enjoying each other. I dread the morning alarm, but I look forward to getting back with friends at school, meeting my new class, and getting into a more structured routine.