Monday, October 26, 2009

Trunk or Treat

What a busy Saturday! Quinn had a costume party for Grace's birthday. She had a great time and loved putting on her ladybug outfit! After the party we had a little down time and then we got dressed in costumes again church. We had our yearly Trunk or Treat mass where the kiddos get to wear their costumes to church and then trick or treat out of the trunks in the parking lot. It is a lot of fun! The kids love it, and the adults who decorate their trunks have fun too.
When we finished about 7, we hurried over to mom and dad's to catch up on the Iowa game. We ordered pizza and all sat on the edge of our seats as we watched the Hawkeyes make history. We won in the last few seconds of the game to go 8-0 on the season. It was a lot of fun to see! Sunday we spent laying low and getting some stuff done around the house. It will be a big week with Halloween this week. Hopefully it will be nice weather...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fun times...

We had a fun weekend! We went Friday night to our friends the Lester's for Pizza and hanging time. The girls got silly dressing up and tearing Rachel's closet apart looking for the perfect outfit. Maclain and Annie decided pjs were a better idea and got snuggly.
My kids also spent some time on Saturday painting their faces with pink lipstick (no I did not know about it while it was going on) and Maclain even added red marker (which did not wash off very well).
The last part of this post is Maclain playing piano. He kept singing about doggies. I figured out he was trying to sing what Quinn does while she practices. Her piano teacher taught he to find the D key by singing "D is for doggy with the 2 black ears" and Maclain changed it to his own version. He does love to ham it up!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Snow in October!

I wasn't thrilled Saturday morning when I woke up to snow flurries, but our kids sure were. Maclain was yelling "we need to go in it!" So we bundled up and headed out. He wasn't quite as excited outside as he was inside. Quinn made up for it...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lil Kids and big rigs

Maclain had fun looking at vehicles up close! The Junior League set this day up as a fundraiser, and it was a lot of fun. I had to laugh when I went through these pictures and I only have one picture of him looking at the camera! It was hard to get that one...his eyes were looking everywhere all the time we were there. He wanted to take it all in. I was a little worried when we got there, because he was scared of the loud air horns kids were pulling on the semis. It was fun that they could pull them, but they were LOUD!!! He loved seeing the trucks, school bus, ambulance and firetruck up close, but his favorite was the helicopter! Quinn had fun too! Kade and Landon were also there, but I guess I didn't get any pictures of them. It was all about Maclain for me many things we do are girl related or for Quinn, so it was fun doing something special for our little guy. Love you Maclain!