Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Welcome Baby Louk

Louk Matthew was born to Katie and Matt on Tuesday June 23rd. He is now my 3rd nephew, and he is VERY CUTE! I have been so busy this summer I haven't taken the time to even load new photos, so I am sorry it took so long! Maclain and Quinn love their newest cousin and they love to hold him. Maclain keeps asking "can I touch his nose? can I touch his chin?" etc... Quinn wasn't so sure right away, but she has warmed up.
The other picture was of the kiddos on Father's Day in the pool.

1 comment:

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

Yeah little Louk is finally here! We are very excited for everyine and he is sooo cute! Katie looks well for just having a baby and very happy! Tell everyone hi and congrats!