Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Welcome Baby Louk

Louk Matthew was born to Katie and Matt on Tuesday June 23rd. He is now my 3rd nephew, and he is VERY CUTE! I have been so busy this summer I haven't taken the time to even load new photos, so I am sorry it took so long! Maclain and Quinn love their newest cousin and they love to hold him. Maclain keeps asking "can I touch his nose? can I touch his chin?" etc... Quinn wasn't so sure right away, but she has warmed up.
The other picture was of the kiddos on Father's Day in the pool.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Take me out to the Ball Game

Maclain loves this song! He is so cute when he sings it...the problem is, every time I try and get him to sing it for the camera, he remembers half way through that he didn't want to sing it for the camera! One of these days I will get the whole thing. Notice that he is playing with cars and still has some dinner on his face. I thought if he was well fed and playing with cars he would do it. Guess not. He sings the whole thing when there isn't a camera and when he sings "1-2-3 strikes your out" it is so cute! Maybe some day I will be able to share it....errrr!