Monday, May 18, 2009

Sesame Street Live and mushrooms

We had morel mushrooms this week! YUMMY! My grandma found someone selling them and so we each bought a pound from him. They are so good and it's sad we can only have them once a year, but it's probably why we like them so much! Look at the huge one that was in my bag!
We also went to Sesame Street Live on Tuesday. This was Maclain's first experience with anything like this (other than Chuck E Cheese and Mr Schucks) so he was amazed! Every time one of the characters left the stage he would ask "where did Elmo go? Where did Cookie Monster go?" I would always say "they'll be right back" Then one time he said "Where did Elmo go...Oh he is going potty...he'll be right back!" So cute...and so smart considering he isn't going to be 2 until July... I think he has going potty on the brain. He went 3 times this weekend on his big boy potty...I hope that means that being trained is in our near future!
We spent the weekend cleaning and doing yard work. Quinn was a big help like usual and I am so glad she is so sweet with her brother. They really are best buddies.

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