Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Room

Quinn enjoying the new bed
Maclain in the toddler more crib!
Room after it is finished
New lamp and shades

Tinkerbell in the middle of maybe saving her
Quinn standing by her Tinkerbell for the last time

This weekend we made some big changes at our house. Quinn has decided she wants her own room, so we are now in the process of creating a new room for her and Maclain got his room updated too. He no longer has to sleep in a pink Tinkerbell room! Quinn was very sad when we had to paint over Tink. I told her we could just go around her and cover her up later once her room was done, but she said she wanted Maclain to have his room done now, so she cried and said goodbye to her Tinkerbell. It was very sad...she is growing up. But it was exciting too because Maclain's room turned out just like I had hoped. He LOVES anything to do with cars and trucks, so he now has a transportation room. I am still going to order some Uppercase Living cars, trucks, etc...and I am going to get a few road signs (stop sign, speed limit sign, etc...) to add some art to the walls, but for the most part it is done.
Maclain has had somewhat of a hard time saying goodbye to the crib. We took that down and traded Katie and Matt the crib for the full bed. He loved his crib and doesn't want to stay in the toddler bed to fall asleep. He'll get use to it eventually...poor guy! I think the new room is helping with the transition:)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Yeah Spring!!!

Maclain out exploring in the yard.
Quinn was drawing outside on her easel.
Maclain pointing at the cars and trucks in the neighborhood
Quinn getting Mark to participate with her coloring.
My new wall art

This weekend was so nice out! I spent most of Saturday scrubbing and cleaning to get rid of all the germs that have been hanging out at our house this past week. I also got the Uppercase saying I got for my birthday from my sisters up on our bedroom wall.
The kids enjoyed being outside and played most of Sunday afternoon. Mark took Quinn on a bike ride while Maclain napped, and then the two of them decided to do some Art in the sunshine.
Happy Birthday to Kamber today!!! We love you!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fun Day at the Children's Museum

Quinn making pizza
Is it done yet?
Maclain driving the ambulance
Maclain feeding a baby
Dr Quinn taking care of some teeth
Strong girl on the climbing wall
Mark and I hanging out
Mark and Maclain in the book area...Maclain loves to read books!!!

We spent Saturday at the Children's Museum. I think we are all a little sick of being cooped up and had the winter blahs. So we decided to head to the museum and I am so glad we did! It has been over a year since we went, and Quinn is now getting in to all the dramatic play there. Her favorites were the Pizza Place and the grocery store. She was really pretending she worked there and it was so cute. Maclain loved the books, the construction area and driving the ambulance. I think we were there almost 4 hours, but the time flew. We loved just hanging out together and it was a nice Saturday. I still have report cards to finish (by tomorrow) and cleaning to do, but I am glad we took the time to enjoy the day.