Monday, November 3, 2008

Great ending to a wonderful weekend...

Grammy found out that they were doing the play THE WIZARD OF OZ at West Delaware where I went to high school. How ironic that they were doing this play and the kiddos were these characters for Halloween...and it was the same weekend. So she got tickets and we all headed to the new auditorium. WOW! It is very impressive...I couldn't believe this was my old school. It is wonderful, and the play was amazing! The sets, costumes, acting and singing were all terrific. I felt like I was at a college production. And leave it to small town hospitality...they had ruby slipper cookies set out for a treat...and it was free! Sometimes I miss that. I love living where we do, but it was nice to see so many familiar faces and seeing that the whole community was out to support this show. It was the final show of 4, and it was a packed.
You may have also noticed Curious George in a lot of pictures from the weekend. Quinn was chosen to take home the traveling class pet and journal this week. What good timing! We were able to show George a great time!

1 comment:

Karen said...

WD hit it out of the park with the wizard of OZ. The talent, costumes, theater, special effects made for a magical experience. All were superb but I must single out the scarecrow. Physically he was amazing-always in character.
There is no place like home!
Thank you,
Karen Louk and family