Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Our Dancing Queen

Quinn's FAVORITE activity is dancing! She is definitely my dancing Queen. She cracks me up with her facial expressions and her moves. Listen to how Maclain hates that I am not giving him full bed time he wants books and mommy. He wasn't getting it so he was not happy.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First written Christmas List

I was so impressed that Quinn sat down and wrote this whole Christmas list by herself! I decided I better translate (in the blue pen) for those of you who don't see Kindergarten writing every day...I have gotten very good at reading some very tough words over the years.
I just think it is so cute! I also love that she is asking for a new toothbrush. At least she is practical. I am just not sure she needs an ipod at her age, but she LOVES to sing and dance so it may be a good buy.
We are off all next week from school for the Thanksgiving Christmas will be here before we know it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Big News!

Katie and Matt are expecting! We are so excited to be adding another family member in June!
Quinn spent so much time coloring this poster...just wish Maclain would have tried as hard with the presentation!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Great ending to a wonderful weekend...

Grammy found out that they were doing the play THE WIZARD OF OZ at West Delaware where I went to high school. How ironic that they were doing this play and the kiddos were these characters for Halloween...and it was the same weekend. So she got tickets and we all headed to the new auditorium. WOW! It is very impressive...I couldn't believe this was my old school. It is wonderful, and the play was amazing! The sets, costumes, acting and singing were all terrific. I felt like I was at a college production. And leave it to small town hospitality...they had ruby slipper cookies set out for a treat...and it was free! Sometimes I miss that. I love living where we do, but it was nice to see so many familiar faces and seeing that the whole community was out to support this show. It was the final show of 4, and it was a packed.
You may have also noticed Curious George in a lot of pictures from the weekend. Quinn was chosen to take home the traveling class pet and journal this week. What good timing! We were able to show George a great time!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our first haircut and the limo ride...

Well, Saturday was the day we have been looking forward to for a few weeks. Quinn and her family got picked up in a limo to go to her first free haircut. If you don't know what I am talking about, look at a few posts ago and check out the bedhead. She won a contest for having the best bedhead and so today was the first one. WOW! What a cool place! Whipper Snippers is definitely an awesome place to take kids for haircuts! Quinn got her hair cut in the diva area by Makenzie. She is the manager and she is awesome! Quinn had fun getting her hair cut and styled. She also got to watch Hannah Montana on the big screen and got lip gloss too. Definitely in a cool diva girl area! I also decided Maclain REALLY needed a cut too, so he sat in the car (how cool is that) to get his cut too. This was the first time he got the clippers, so he looks like a big boy now. He liked the car and cartoons for awhile, but then didn't. Every haircut he has had so far has been on my lap, so we may have to to do that next time.
Whipper Snippers has a Diva area, the kid area, and an area for bigger kids that has big screens and xbox games. So if you have kids it is a definitely awesome place to take a kid for a haircut!
After the limo brought us home, we all headed to Olive Garden to keep the celebration going. My grandma met us at both because she thought she would get sick in the limo. Katie and Matt and Kamber and Jamie were at two separate weddings so they missed out on the fun.
It was so awesome listening to the kids scream and yell as the limo was pulling down the street, and to watch Quinn sit in awe as she got her hair cut. What a fun day...

Happy Halloween From the Felbers!!!

What a fun night! The gorgeous weather made it the perfect night for trick or treating. It was 60 degrees out and the kids were loving it! After our fall party at school, Quinn and I went to pick up Maclain at daycare. Judy, his daycare provider, had a little party planned so we stayed there for a while and we enjoyed watching all the little ones dressed up. Then we went home, had dinner and hit a few houses in our neighborhood. After that we went over to mom and dad's so that Dorothy and the flying monkey could join up with the Tin Man and the Lion. The kids got lots of compliments on their costumes, tons of candy and memories that will last.