Sunday, May 1, 2011

1st Communion

Quinn made her first communion on Saturday, April 30, 2011 at the 5:30 mass. She had her whole family there. Grammy and Papa, even though Grammy was sick she was able to come. Aunt Kamber and Uncle Jamie (her godparents), Kade and Landon. Aunt Katie and Uncle Matt and Louk. And also our good friends Scott and Jenny Lester and Rachel and Annie.

Quinn was absolutely beautiful! She looked so grown up and it made me think back to her baptism. I can't believe it has been 8 years already! She was excited about going through the whole night, and I know the really big deal will be next Sunday when we go to church and she can join us at communion time.

Grammy had even gotten Gwen (her American Girl Doll) a 1st communion outfit, so Quinn had fun with that. She loved getting dressed up and she looked like a little princess.

I am so proud of the little girl she has become. She has such an awesome personality. So fun and funny! She makes me laugh every day. I love that she has great manners. Every day I hear her tell someone thank you for holding a door for her without a prompt and when she smiles she lights up the room. She loves her little brother Maclain with her whole heart, and she does so many nice things for him.

This was her day and I hope she enjoyed it! I LOVE YOU BABY GIRL!!!!!!!

Easter 2011

We went to Minnesota for our annual Easter with the Stanton clan. Karen planned a great egg hunt, the food was great and we had nice weather! Maclain enjoyed all his Easter treats including bubbles. Quinn loved that she got some basketball time in with her Daddy on the court he planned on as a kid.