Monday, December 13, 2010

We had a VERY fun and busy weekend! On Friday night, Mark and I had to grown up parties, so Kamber kept our kids over night. We had tons of fun at both parties and enjoyed hanging out with adults.
Saturday we had the Christmas for kids at Yellowbook, and I our kids got some great gifts! We met our friends Brian and Serena there and Quinn was thrilled to get to hang out Maddie for a while.
It was my dad's 65th birthday on Saturday night and we surprised him with a limo ride to look at lights. It was so much fun and everyone loved it! My poor nephew Louk (who is 1) ended up getting sick as the limo was pulling up, so Matt and Louk didn't go with us. We were sad they weren't there, and Jamie who had to work.
Sunday we had Cookies with Santa at school . It was so much fun to see all the staff kids and they had fun seeing Santa.
So much fun but I found myself crying Saturday night on the way home after the Limo. This is such a hard time of year when someone who was such a huge part of your life is missing. Every time I hear "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" I sob. It use to be Grams song, the one we all teased her with. Maybe some day I will be able to hear it and smile...but not this year.
Love ya Gram.