Monday, November 8, 2010

It's been a long time....

It's been so long since I have posted to this blog. Since the last blog I had spent lots of time with my Grandma. It's hard for me to even type this now, because she lost her battle with cancer a few weeks ago. She loved this blog and I know I need to keep up on it. Her last few months of her life were filled with us getting as many memories and loved squeezed in. She was such a huge part of my life and she is now gone. It feels like a big hole in my heart. It will fill as time goes on, but right now is hard. The holidays will be extremely hard. I don't know the last time I didn't spend a Thanksgiving or Christmas with her. I am sure in my whole life I may have only not been with her for one or two....and that is because we were on a family trip. She was always here, always supportive, and always ready to help out.
Her funeral was beautiful and just like she would have wanted it. My sisters both gave amazing talks. My sweet Quinn got up and talked about the Gigi she loved. Quinn continues to struggle with it on a daily basis, and her fuse is very short these days. My uncle wrote a song for her that was very fitting, and the best part for me, was we all sang "You are my sunshine". This was her favorite song and we sang it to her every day in hospice. She loved the sunshine and every sunny day I will now smile thinking of my Gram. She will always be "grandma groovy" "our gigi" and a person that I love. She faced the cancer in the end with such amazing strength and belief in God and the knowledge she would be soon joining her parents in heaven. I know she is happy and in a better place now, but I will miss her for a long, long time. Here are some photos taken only 3 weeks before she passed away. She looks beautiful and I am so grateful for these last pictures together. LOVE YOU GRAM!!!!