Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quinn's first day of 2nd grade and our Camping adventure!

Katie Gram, and Kamber hanging by the fire
cooking hotdogs over the fire
Grandma and my mom hanging out
Papa took all the Grandkids for a cruise in the convertible
Kids after sleeping in the tent all night...
Enjoying the air mattress for a few more minutes
Bella was an awesome camper..who knew?!?
Enjoying the fire the next morning.

We had a great time camping! The Boeckmann Family and our family actually pitched the tents to camp out at Palo, but everyone else came out to enjoy it with us. We all had hot dogs, brats and hamburgers over the fire. We sat around talking and watching the kids play. It was so nice Grandma felt up to coming out with us. It made it so much more special, and I will always remember that night.
Summer is getting close to its end...got to enjoy it while it lasts!