Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Summer fun!

Wow! What a fun and busy summer we have been having! I am really trying to do a good job with the blog because I had the first year printed into a book, and it was a GREAT way to journal what goes on with our lives. I can't believe I didn't blog at all in July! We have been doing so many fun things. We took the kids and Quinn's BFF Rachel to a drive in movie. We saw Toy Story 3 and it was so much fun! I wish it were closer, the hour drive home after the movie was kind of tiring! But it was so worth it for the experience and all 3 kids fell asleep on the way home!
We celebrated Louk's first birthday at the end of June and Maclain's 3rd birthday in July. Maclain is so Toy Story crazy that the whole theme was around Buzz and Woody. We can't go many places any more without being dressed as either Buzz or Woody. He is so darn cute!
Quinn was on swim team again this summer. She is a little fish and her favorite strokes are butterfly and front crawl. She learned to ride her bike without training wheels really well this summer and has been such a great big sister! She plays so well with Maclain, looks out for him, and includes him as much as she can. She is so sweet and I am proud of the 7 year old that she is!
Mark and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary this summer! I can't believe it has been 10 years!
We went to Minneapolis for a short get away, and had a great time. We love our kids so much, and it is hard to leave them for a few nights, but we did enjoy ourselves. Our good friends Rocky and Karla live up in the cities now, and had a baby just a few days before we went to visit. So we got to meet baby Nikko and see their other kids Gabi and Jaden too! It was nice to see them, and it made me realize we need to make it a priority to see them more often. Baby Nikko is SO sweet and I loved holding him...
School starts next week for me! So I will be posting 1st day of school pictures soon!