Monday, June 21, 2010

Great America & the zoo

We had a great weekend! We went to Great America in Illinois on Saturday. Maclain loved it because there was a whole Wiggles section and a Wiggles show. He was singing and was so cute! He also rode on 2 roller coasters! The first one was kinda scary and fast. I couldn't believe he was tall enough to ride it. He kept yelling to get off, and then said he liked it when it was over. The last roller coaster we did was a little one and he held his hands up in the sky for some of it. Quinn also loved the roller coasters! She also talked her dad into going on the log ride and the raging rapids ride. Both rides they got soaked on, which didn't look fun to me at all. Thankfully Maclain didn't want to get wet either, so we just walked around while they were on those rides.
On Sunday we went to the Milwaukee Zoo. It was also another perfect day. The weather was nice, the animals were all up and moving and we enjoyed spending the day together. It was Father's Day, so there was a lot of families there celebrating. We left the zoo at closing and got home just in time to see some local fireworks.
We had a great time and the best part was just watching the kids! Love them to pieces!!!!