Friday, December 25, 2009

Jingle bells...

Maclain and Landon decided to give us a little Christmas entertainment. I love how Maclain notices me taping and then turns it up a few notches. Wow...I still giggle every time I watch this. Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 11, 2009

December fun

It is December 11... Happy Birthday to my dad! We have already did a lot of fun things in December! We decorated the tree, went for a drive to look at Christmas lights, baked, and had a Blizzard! This week we only went to school Monday and Friday. The snow left about 10 inches and there was a lot of blowing. The salt doesn't work at these freezing temps, so the roads are an icy mess. The kids loved playing and shoveling in the snow. Maclain more so than Quinn, she continues to tell me she is a "summer girl" and the snow is just tolerated. She isn't one to beg to stay out longer that is for sure!
I am excited for the rest of December! We are going to the musical Annie this weekend, my birthday and Christmas still to come... I love the holidays! Our kids are so excited for Santa and to celebrate with family.