Monday, August 31, 2009

1st day of 1st grade and the end of summer

No more swimming all day and sleeping in late. We are back to school...I just love this picture I caught of Maclain actually sleeping on top of his sister one late morning. They always seemed to find their way into our bed on summer mornings and we snuggled in. I loved it and I will miss it now that we are all back into routine.
Our first days of school started out great. Quinn loves first grade and I am so happy she still likes getting pictures with me on our first day together. I can't believe she is a first grader...she is now in a grade older than I am...bummer!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Maclain's 2nd birthday weekend

We had such a fun weekend for Maclain's 2nd birthday. It's already been a month (sorry I am a little slow getting this blog updated) but Maclain still talks about having Brandon, Brock, Brittany, Lincoln and Carin here to help him celebrate with his normal clan of people who adore him. We had Quinn and Kade's all city swim meet on Saturday morning and a birthday party in the evening. So much fun! I can't believe my baby is already 2. He has such a big personality as you can see from this short video.