Monday, July 28, 2008

Quinn lost her top tooth this week! It had been loose for a few weeks, and on Monday she called Grandma and asked her to come and pull it out. She knows mommy gets grossed out by loose teeth and that Grammy can do "anything medical because she use to be a nurse." (according to Quinn).
I LOVE the space in her cute! I can't wait until the other top one falls out too so she has that huge space.
Mark and I celebrated our 8 anniversary on Tuesday with a movie and dinner. We hardly every go out without the kiddos so this was kind of nice to spend time together.
On Saturday we went to the Waterloo waterpark with Katie and Matt. Quinn loved the slides and Maclain had fun too. It was a beautiful day !

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Maclain turns 1!

I took Maclain to get photos done at Innovative Photography on his birthday Friday. The pictures all turned out great! I was dumb enough to get suckered into buying too many pics, therefore getting a cd of all the pictures so I could do what I wanted with them. So I decided to post some from the cake pictures. I took a mini cake and a plastic drop with us and he loved it! He ate the whole thing! It was a fun way to celebrate Maclain turing one.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Favorite pics of the week

I love the picture of Maclain because he is concentrating on his crawling with his tongue out. So funny! I love the picture of Quinn because she was having so much fun with her daddy in the pool...and look how far she flew up in the air. She loves anything to do with swimming that is for sure.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Vacation part 2

Quinn right after she rode the Tornado
Maclain napping again``
Kade, Landon, and Quinn on their favorite ride
Mark and Maclain riding the semis
Kamber, Jamie, Landon, Mark and Maclain on the train
Maclain and I on the carousel, one of the rides he could actually do

The second part of our weekend was going to Adventureland. The Boeckmann's met us for a fun filled day. Quinn and I rode on the Tornado and the Outlaw. She says she loves rollercoasters but they weren't on the top of her list for favorite rides. Mark rode the Outlaw and the Log ride. He is not a huge ride lover, so I was proud of him for having fun with Quinn. He also rode the Teacups and ended up getting sick (the spinning is not for him)....poor guy!
Quinn says he favorite rides were the Frog Hopper, The Log ride, and the Underground.
Maclain was wonderful again and took 2 naps as we went around the park. Kamber packed us sandwiches and other food, so we took a supper break out in the parking lot. We stayed until 9:30 at night and could just about ride anything we wanted without waiting in line.

Vacation part 1

Grandma & Grandpa with the kiddosQuinn next to one of mommy & Q's favorite cars
Maclain taking a much needed rest(love the leg up)
Quinn with her favorite car...Tow Mater
We started this weekend off on Friday by heading to Des Moines in our red white and blue. It just didn't feel like the 4th, but we still dressed for it. We met Grandma and Grandpa Felber for a fun filled weekend. On Saturday we went out to the car show and saw a lot of neat cars. Maclain was excellent and just rode and napped in his stroller. He loved seeing all of the action. Quinn had fun seeing Tow Mater and eating treats at the fairgrounds.
What a fun weekend...Thanks Nancy and Tom!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Quinn swam in her 2nd swim meet on July 1. She was able to swim in 3 events this time because they realized she could do it. She swam in the freestyle (12), the backstroke(42), and the breaststroke (54)... all written on her hand so she knew when to go swim. She did AWESOME! She got 3rd place in the freestyle and 4th in the backstroke. The other exciting news is that she learned how to do the butterfly in practice this morning and she is really good at it. We are so proud of her, and she is very proud of herself!