Monday, June 30, 2008

Me and my kiddos in the pool
My goggle wearing kid
Maclain's favorite word right now is "Duck"
Mark and Maclain
The pool with the new linerYEAH!!!! On Monday June 23rd, we were finally able to get in the pool at my parents and swim! They got a new liner put in, and because of all the ground water, the project took a lot longer then expected. This weekend Mark, the kids and I went over and hung out with Grammy and Papa in the pool. There is nothing better then enjoying watching my family have fun and we had a lot of fun this last weekend! Thanks Mom and Dad for allowing us to share these special summer days with you.

We went to the fire works in Hiawatha. It was to end their town celebration and it may be the only fireworks we see this year. We have a family tradition to all go downtown to see the fireworks on the 4th, but because of the flood the celebration has been postponed. The kids had a blast sitting in Papa's truck. As you can see it was a chilly night, but it was fun. Katie and Matt had us all over for dinner before we went. Maclain loved his first fireworks!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Quinn competed in her first swim meet on June 24th. She is one of the youngest...the rest of the kids are 6-8 year olds in her age group (she just turned 5 in May). I was so proud of her! She swam the entire 25 yards without stopping. She had a hard time knowing when to start, but she made it. I can't wait to watch her progress this summer. In the few weeks she has been swimming, she has made huge growth. The funniest thing about today, is that she said "they told me I am swimming freestyle and I don't even know what that is!" (with a worried face). I told her that is just another name for front crawl and she got a big smile and said "oh good. I know how to swim that!"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Haircuts all around

Today Quinn, Maclain, Grammy and I headed to Manchester to see our favorite stylist Julie. Maclain got his first big boy haircut and he loved it! He sat so good and kept leaning into the comb because he likes how it feels to have his hair brushed. He looks so cute with his new do, and Quinn was an excellent photographer! Grammy was getting a pedicure, and Maclain was on my lap, so Quinn was the only one available to get the shots, and she did an awesome job!
Quinn also has a stylish new haircut and we are all ready for summer.
Thanks Julie!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Quinn has always loved to chew gum. A few weekends ago she learned how to blow bubbles. It was so cool to see her learn this simple task! I love watching her every time she learns anything new. As you can see from the movie, she is also quite the ham. If you can't read the beginning it says Quinn learns to blow bubbles with gum. I made this video on imovie and transferred it to this site.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Snuggly night

I don't think there is anything better than kids in jammies fresh from the tub...they smell so fresh and and are so snuggly. Tinkerbell in a dress is not quite as cute, but Quinn had to have it for her dog. Tinkerbell is even less excited about it. We had fun playing tonight more day of school and I am off. I can't wait to spend lazy days by the pool with my kiddos and family.