Friday, May 30, 2008

Quinn and her buddies

Quinn's buddy Rachel had her birthday party last weekend and her dad Scott bought these lovely billy bob teeth for the kids. Quinn has been friends with Rachel and Cael since birth, and they were all born within a month of each other. I am so glad we are still all close, and I love that all 3 have such great personalities! I think Hallmark could make a fun card out of this.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The pacifier bandit

Poor Maclain! He can't be on the floor with his pacifier anymore because Tinkerbell thinks it is a lot of fun to take it away from him! I am disinfecting a lot of pacifiers and we have a few with teeth marks in them. Good thing Maclain usually likes Tinkerbell.

My little Macadoodle

Maclain is such a happy smiley little baby. He already has such a fun personality! I really love how Quinn and Maclain have such a great relationship already. If she is around, he is laughing and kissing her all the time. SO CUTE! I can't believe he is already 10 months.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My funny Quinn

Quinn has such a fun personality! She makes us laugh all the time, and it is fun to see what she comes up with. She loves to sing, dance and dress up. She also LOVES school, and she is the "teacher" every night. Mark and I don't even get to talk very much anymore, because when we try and talk about our day to each other, we are told "I will wait until everyone is ready for the story but you are wasting time" funny! As a teacher I hear many famous teacher phrases coming out of her mouth, and I am pleased to know her teacher Mrs. Kristin and I say many of the same things.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Baby Ducks

I took some eggs that were laid by my parents pool and put them in my incubator at school. My dad was going to have to get rid of the eggs because they are having a new liner put in, so I volunteered to try my hand at ducks. I hatched 12 out of 12 chick eggs just a few weeks before and I have always wanted to try ducks. The ducks are so much more fun then the chicks! I had 6 out of the 7 duck eggs hatch, and the kids are loving it! My classroom has never been so quiet! Quinn and Maclain enjoyed coming out over the weekend and watching them too.

Friday, May 16, 2008

We had a great day at the park the other day. Quinn loves pushing Maclain in the swings! This is the park that is only a block from our house and we like to walk up to the "golf" park to play.

Quinn and Kade

Quinn and Kade were being extremely silly the other night and this is the video I got of them! I think this will be great blackmail later on my newphew. ...
I am trying my hand at having a family web page. I love the one my friend Jenny has created for her family, so I am attempting to create on for us. I can't believe I only have 11 days of school left.